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Wayne and Layne featured in MAKE’s Favorite Makers of 2010

by Wayne on January 2, 2011

We were delighted to be on a year-end 2010 list from MAKE Magazine!

And don’t get us wrong, we’re not voting these folks as “the best makers” or anything. It’s not a competition. But as Phil said about Mitch Altman, an already well-known maker who we decided to single out anyway (see below), they represent “the best of us.” For all of these people, their seemingly boundless curiosity, resourcefulness, experimental approach to life, their not being afraid to fail, and their overall spirit of adventure and dedication to the joy of making, is what makes them representative of that better part of us all.

Wayne & Layne — In 2009, no one knew who Wayne and Layne were — or as their mommas call ’em, Adam Wolf (right) and Matthew Beckler (left). They labored in obscurity, concocting all manner of ingenious projects, two of which came out this year: Their Tactile Metronome was a hit at the Bay Area Maker Faire. It’s a “learning drum” that listens as you tap a beat onto the PCB, then continues the rhythm you just tapped out. Their Video Game Shield was introduced at the World Maker Faire in New York, and quickly became one of the hot kits of the fall, with everyone from the MakerBot holiday store to the Maker Shed, to Adafruit and Sparkfun offering the shield. A little bird told us W&L’s next offering is imminent. Can’t wait, can’t wait! —John B

Best of Make: Online 2010 — Makers: The best of us

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