Make Magazine Interview
Wayne and Layne were recently interviewed by John Park of Make: Online for their “Maker Business” series!
Matthew Beckler and Adam Wolf of Wayne and Layne at Maker Faire, with their Tactile Metronome kit.
Maker businesses are all about the people, and these guys are two of my favorites. Adam and Matt of Wayne and Layne rock. They are incredibly bright engineers and hilarious dudes whom I think should have their own podcast in order to crack us up year round.
Tell us about yourselves: how did you get started building things? Any memorable maker moments from your childhoods?
We’ve been friends since middle school. Sometime in that timeframe we bought a Basic Stamp 2 in parts form, and had Adam’s dad solder it up. We didn’t do much with it, but we had a relay and some LEDs and some buttons on a breadboard. I can’t even imagine what we could have accomplished if we would have had access to the community that’s available online now.
Read the rest of the interview: Maker Business: Wayne and Layne