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Generating Gerber files with KiCad

by Layne on June 18, 2012

Update: The information here is kind of outdated. You probably want to read up on the current settings for generating gerber files over here.

We recently hosted a PCB Design with KiCad class at HackPittsburgh. As you may know, we are really big fans of the free and open source EDA tool called KiCad, and have had great success using it for Wayne and Layne projects.

The final part of the PCB design process is to export your design in the proper format for manufacturing, specifically to generate the “gerber” files and the drill file that you send off to be manufactured. KiCad’s pcbnew software has a lot of options to allow for precise control of your exported file settings, but we wanted to post the detailed settings that we use here at Wayne and Layne, and have worked well for us in all our projects and kits.

Plot settings: (click to enlarge)

Drill file settings: (click to enlarge)

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